Eating Disorder Treatment, Education, and Prevention

We’re Here to Help

White Pine Center for Healing, a leading eating disorder treatment center in northwest Pennsylvania, empowers people to take their first step to recovery. Whether you or someone you know is struggling with an eating disorder, body image issues, or trauma, we're here to help.

White Pine Center is passionate about our educational outreach programs that prevent eating disorders in our community and our treatments that follow a holistic approach.

Evidence-Based Treatment

Create the life you want to live

People holding hands in a circle

At White Pine Center for Healing, we provide compassionate care and evidence-based treatment to help people experiencing or recovering from eating disorders, body image issues, weight stigma, and trauma.

Our team of experienced therapists, psychiatrists, and dietitians will design an individualized treatment plan to help you forge a healthier relationship with food and your body.

Holistic Treatment Programs

Rediscover Yourself

Our multidisciplinary team at White Pine Center provides one-of-a-kind care and support within an inclusive environment. With an exceptional staff and community-focused safe space, we're equipped to treat a multitude of eating disorders, exercise disorders, and body image issues. White Pine Center's holistic treatment programs focus on:

  • Accepting one's natural size and shape

  • Addressing trauma

  • Developing an effective aftercare plan

  • Discovering the root cause of a disorder

  • Finding nutritional balance

  • Identifying other co-occurring disorders

  • Implementing healthy eating & exercise routines

  • Minimizing harmful behaviors

The eating disorder treatment journey can be challenging, but you don't have to walk it alone. White Pine Center for Healing guides you through the entire process with compassion and support. Rediscover how beautiful and fulfilling life can be when you overcome your eating disorder.

Man talking to a therapist about his eating disorder

Engage with an Emerging Leader

Located in Erie, Pennsylvania, we serve as the epicenter of support for those struggling with eating disorders in New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Since 2019, we've helped hundreds of patients recover from eating disorders using holistic, evidence-based treatment that's individualized for everyone that walks through our doors. White Pine Center’s programs can be tailored to all ages, genders, economic statuses, ethnicities, races, and sexual orientations.

White Pine Blog Feed

  • “I've never experienced the compassion, understanding, and kindness that I get with White Pine Center."

    - Client

  • “It means everything to be able to talk with people who are going through the same issues."

    - Support group member

  • “Now, I am able to thrive and not just 'get by'!"

    - Client


White Pine Center provides appropriate eating disorder prevention, education, and treatment options for you or your loved ones. Treatments include classes, support groups, individual therapy, clinical assessments, referrals, and an array of evidence-based programs. If you’re interested in learning more, reach out by visiting our contact page.

